This coming October, we are holding the first ever Pink Auction in Cork City.
The auction will bring together many people with two goals —- to promote creative textiles in Ireland and to raise money for Action Breast Cancer, a programme of the Irish Cancer Society.
People within the community as well as around the country are participating by making and donating handcrafted creative textile items to be auctioned off.
The event will take place at The Imperial Hotel on Sunday, 10th October 2010.
We are on Ravelry, Facebook, Twitter, and have our own blog. The more support we can get the more we can do and the better it is for breast cancer awareness. Our flyer is at the top of this page of our blog:
The Pink Auction seeks donations of high quality textile art.
Donations may be in any colour and we actively seek handcrafted blankets, shawls, bags, fashion, baby clothing, mittens, etc…
We anticipate community involvement as we promote creative textiles while encouraging donations. Groups and wool shops can help by hosting small workshops between now and early September, distributing flyers to other knitters/shops in your region, or collecting donations and shipping them to us from your neighborhood textile artists.
We also appreciate donations of wool or textile supplies for pre-auction workshops or to be used in the creation of auction items to fill category gaps (like if we end up with ten scarves and no hats or mittens/gloves).
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about Cork’s Pink Auction in support of Action Breast Cancer. If you need anymore info, please do not hesitate to contact us at and if you do choose to host an event please let us know how it goes or send photos so we can write a blog post about it.
Artists and visual creators of every kind are invited to copyright night a free information session organized by the Irish Visual Artists Rights Organisation (IVARO) for artists on how best to exercise your rights under copyright law.
VENUE: James Joyce Centre
35 North Great Georges, St Dublin 1.
‘Gifted’ craft shop and Gallery is opening for the 6 weeks leading up to Christmas from 12th of November until 24th December2009.
Works shall include, Fine Art, Photography, Glass works, Fashion items, Handmade Christmas Decorations, Hand Made Bags, scarves, headpieces, Jewellery and much more………
The shop is located at 2a Florence Road, Bray ( across from Smyths toystore and close to the ice rink)
There are some places left for craft and Artworks. Please email 3 images of your work to or contact Roisin at 085 7709698 or Yvonne on 087 940 6116 asap
Job Vacancy – Craft Granary, Cahir, Co Tipperary
THE CRAFT GRANARY currently have an opening for a Project Manager (Craft Programs) in the Craft Granary.
Hours are 19.5 hours per week.
Duties: Identify craft workers in the South East region. Apply for funding to run craft workshops. Co-ordinate craft training programmes for craft workers. Assist in running craft fairs. Keep website updated with craft programs. Experience in report writing, grant applications and event management would be an advantage.
Applicants must be registered with FÁS and must be eligible for a CE scheme.
In general this means that they must be in receipt of a social welfare payment for 12 months or more and be over 25.
If you know of anyone who may be interested please pass this message on and have them post or email a CV by Thursday 22nd October by 1pm to:
Helen Shanahan (Manager) 052 - 7441473
Craft Granary
Church St.
Cahir Co. Tipperary
email to:
PLEASE NOTE: This information is being distributed by CCoI on behalf of the Craft Granary
I have been a maker and teacher of silver jewellery making for a number of years.
I attended the CCoI Creative Pathways seminar and I would just like to alert all makers and teachers of crafts to some very serious developments that all makers with an interest in teaching their craft should be aware of.
The seminar was held in Kilkenny and the main purpose of the event was to bring all key players together to discuss ways to establish a formal basis for teaching crafts in primary, secondary and third level education.
FAS, City and Guilds, FETAC, VEC, ITC, VTOS, The Teaching Council, HETAC, GMIT and The National Museum of Ireland were all present along with a cross section of crafts people with an interest in teaching crafts.
The only group that was not represented as an organised group was the craft teachers themselves.
There are discussion going on at present in relation to bringing in standards and accreditions that craft teachers as an organised group should be part of.
Teaching of crafts is going to be regulated and we as a group must form a teaching association to protect our interests and represent us in any future developments that concern our livelyhoods.
To this end I intend to set up the Irish Association of Craft Teachers (IACT)
If people wish to help set up this initative please contact me at
If you teach and are interested in setting up this Association of Craft Teachers
in any way, big or small, please contact Chris at
If this is something that you would like to follow up please use the link here to find out why this is associaiton is important for all craft people and what the craft council of Ireland is moving forward with.
The Craft Council of Ireland seems like a big step when you are starting off, so I post the link to help people get over the first step of contacting them, and once you have your form filled in with three photos of your work, away you go. You are a member of Crafts Council of Ireland. You then receive a bi-monthly magazine called Stopress, invaluable when you are in the craft industry.
You also get posted up on their website, with your pictures and contact details, so it really is a perfect way to get yourself out there. Here’s another thing….it’s free!
I feel that Enterprise Boards should get a better look in.
They are there to help small businesses grow, and they have a fantastic network of advisers and grants to help anyone that has the drive and ambition to use them.
To find where your nearest enterprise Board is