7 pieces of Irish Craft
7 Irish pieces of art/craft are going to be displayed over the next few days.
The producers of these pieces have been asked by me, personally, to display a piece of their work.
The whole idea of this is to see if blogging can be an excellent way to advertise your work, and have a web presence if you do not already have a website.
These pieces may be available to buy through the designers own website, or by contacting them directly.
The main thing is to prove that this is a good, inexpensive way to have your work available for the world to see!!
The results of the project will be seen after two weeks. It will be monitored under the following headings:
Was there more traffic to the persons website? Was there direct contact? And ultimately was there any sales from the exposure?
The creative minds of these people will be putting together a little about the piece or themselves and using blogging to its fullest, letting you know a little background information!
Over the next 7 days I will be presenting…
7 pieces of Irish Craft
At the end of October the offer from Paul O Mahoney will end and his 10 artists/crafts people will be selected to have a blog site built for them. The 10 designers will then be able to display their work and update the site as often as they want. All thanks to Paul who will give them all the tools to do this with ease.
Technorati Tags: irish craft, irish art, irish crafts
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The internet is the most amazing place! And what fantastic exposure for artisans who are, after all, busy with their craft,as they should be.
PS Paul is the most lovely and generous person, wouldn’t you agree, Karen?
Yes, I can say that he has the patience of a saint, long may they last!
Some people are great on computers, but few are great at teaching…I have loved being a guinea pig!
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